SA Assessment Centers

I- Leadership Assessment

We conduct assessment centers and coaching programs for managers and leaders in corporate organizations by using EunoiaLeadership methodology. EunoiaLeadership mainly targets developing leadership quality at the managerial level. It tackles real life problems by developing Personal-Leadership Quality.

How We Do That

  • M4L Leadership Individual Assessment: This unique assessment facilitates the first understanding of the M4levels approach and uncovers participants’ self-awareness
  • One-on-one Private Session: We conduct private coaching sessions with each participant individually to discuss the uniqueness of personal construct assessment and to coach them on how to develop themselves in certain competencies.

II- Organizational Culture Assessment

We conduct Organizational Culture & Behavior Assessment to come out with recommendations and customized solutions for the organization.

Benefits of the Program (What’s in it for the organization)

  • Recommendations for managers
  • Saving of budgets that are spent on training with no lasting impact
  • Reflection of culture behind the displayed behavior
  • Explanation of how effective the organizational behavior is
  • More effective management decisions based on data and statistics
  • Customized solutions for training program, and recruitment & selection criteria
  • Customized solutions for training program, and recruitment & selection criteria

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