SA Healthcare Management

Healthcare Business Management Skills

We provide a variety of healthcare management consultations at personal and organization’s levels, including governance, quality, business outcomes and staff performance. We help health professionals satisfy career development requirements through customized continuing professional development activities. We specifically provide A- to -Z research assistance service to postgraduate medical and sciences students; make their graduation research project a pleasant endeavor like never before.

Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

  • Healthcare management skills
  • Strategic planning for managers
  • Research methodology: From proposal writing to publication
  • Foundations of biostatistics: Theory & SPSS Lab
  • Scientific thesis/ dissertation writing: From proposal to defense
  • Audit and performance improvement project writing

Organization Development Services

  • Prepare the organization for JCI/ national accreditation
  • Provide guidance for quality improvement and patient safety (QIPS)
  • Set policies and procedures guidelines (PPGs)
  • Introduce standardized infection control policy
  • Establish research and development (R&D) provision
  • Customized Services: “Health & Wellness” & “Community Participation”
  • Scientific Theses and Dissertation Assistance

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